Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What a difference a year makes...

Last week was a momentous week for us.  Nate & Ty started their 2nd year of Preschool and their first year at Corpus Christi.  Natalie started 1st grade.  While the routine of a new school year is welcomed, I'm amazed at how quickly the summer went.  It was our first summer "Off" as a family (well, that is, except dad, who is still hard at work taking care of us).  Last summer, I was still a working mom. And the kids were still in Daycare 5 days a week.  So, we went straight from the routine of work/daycare to the routine of school.
This summer, I wish I could say we all slept in every day but these kids aren't sleepers.  Every day seemed to be a race to wake up earlier and earlier to make sure they saw Dad before he left.  Our days were filled with coloring, watching TV, Tennis, TBall, and swim lessons. The kids spent 2 separate weeks at 1/2 day Gymnastics Camp (translation - a break for mom) and we spent many, many afternoons at the pool.  We thoroughly enjoyed the lack of structure (even though it provided so many more opportunities for bickering and fighting).
So, the new school year brings many mixed emotions.  Reluctance, readiness and nervousness for what the new year brings (who knows how many fire alarms there will be in 1st grade this year - more on that later).  I must say, Nate & Ty transitioned wonderfully from St. John's to Corpus.  They were very excited to be at their sister's school - I think it made them feel big.  So, on Monday morning, we all headed to school.  I'd like to say backpacks were in tow - but they weren't.  I guess we weren't quite in our routine yet.  Most importantly, we did remember the camera!  We arrived with the other excited 4 year olds, welcomed by smiling teachers.  We snapped a few pics, and headed inside where the Preschoolers were lining up.  Hesitantly, the boys allowed themselves to be led to the line.  Nate, who is always the more reluctant one to let us leave, ran back over to us.  But we led him back to the line.  My heart tugged just a little as I saw the unsure looks on their face.  With big eyes, they bravely walked with the rest of their new friends into the classroom.  3 hours later, I picked them up smiling and full of confidence, happily telling me about the things they did and who they saw that day.  
There was much excitement around Natalie's first day too.  She is such a planner, and likes to make lists.  So, she dutifully laid out her clothes on the floor the night before (accessories and all).  She made a list of everything she was going to do the next morning to get ready for school, not forgetting anything (even going up or down the stairs).  And let me tell you, she followed that list to the tee.  But if there was a cloud over her excitement, it was the fire drills.  She was excited about starting the 1st grade (after all, she'd been talking about almost being a 1st grader since the day after Christmas) except for the anxiousness of when that first fire drill might come.  If only they could have the drills without those loud alarms!  After many conversations, I still have no idea how to help her overcome this.
First day activities for Natalie proceeded in similar manner to Nate & Ty's.  Pictures, smiles, hugs.  No tears for me this year.
The next day, as we started to settle into a routine, I asked Natalie if she wanted me to walk her up to the school or drop her in the car line.  The same question I asked a year ago.  And I received the same answer.  Drop her off.  This time with much different results.  Last year, I pulled in front of the school and she slowly got out of the car.  She took a few steps, stopped and looked around completely unsure of what to do.  As I drove away, I looked in my rearview mirror and saw her start to cry.  I quickly parked the car, jumped out (leaving the boys's safe, it's a Catholic school, right?) and led Natalie to her teacher.  A quick hug and kiss later and all was fine.  This year, we pulled up and Natalie had already unbuckled yelling "Hurry, mom!  There's Lauren!"  As soon as I stopped, she confidently bolted out that door quicker than I could yell "Bye!  Have a good Day!".  And she was off with her friends, laughing and giggling.  Wow.....What a difference a year makes.