Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Puppy Love

As a mom of 3 I knew I'd have to face the day when the kids started showing interest in the opposite sex.  I always assumed it would be Natalie first since she was the one who seemed so susceptible to a charming (usually ornery) boy who made her laugh. How she loves a good laugh.  But her affection seemed more directed towards the orneriness and laughter than the boys themselves.  Nate gave us our first sign -  this summer during our trip to the lake.  We docked at a restaurant with a beach so the kids could swim and play for awhile.  All of the kids, donned in life vests, were unusually entertaining themselves.  So, the adults decided to enjoy a cocktail on the beach and relax for a bit.  As I'm scanning the swim area for each of the kids, I noticed Nate approach a group of young twentysomething girls.  I couldn't hear the conversation, but quickly he seemed to think impressing them with his rock finding skills was the way to go.  Diligently, I think he found what must have been every rock in this part of the lake.  He then sweetly presented his treasures to each of the girls as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.  To him it was.  The girls seemed to be enjoying him, but I still made a few attempts to lure him away, not wanting him to be a bother.  This only seemed to draw his brother's attention to the situation.  Up to this point, Ty had been practicing his duck head bobbing skills, but now wandered over to see what he was missing.  I'm not sure, but I think I saw my first glimpse of a little wing man action (God help us all).
Nate also has a newfound love for Selena Gomez (actress from the Disney channel). He cut her picture out of a magazine the other day.  I didn't think much of it, since we are constantly cutting up magazines.  But he took that picture with him everywhere that day, showing everyone that would look.  
And the bug finally bit the daycare at my gym.  One day, when I was picking them up, I saw Tyler sitting against the wall with a cute, blonde haired girl reading to him.  He was so proud to announce to me when we were leaving that he made a new friend.  With a twinkle in his eye, he said "Her name is War-ren (Lauren).  Hers six".  Now, every time we go to the gym he wonders if Lauren's going to be there.  And I get the attendance report every time I pick them up.
As much as I'm not ready for this stage of crushes, I can't imagine what it will be like when the real thing starts happening.  Dates, proms, boyfriends and girlfriends, broken hearts.  And all the adult issues we'll have to prepare them for way too early, thanks to society.  I think for now, I'll just sit back and enjoy watching the sweet puppy love stage.