Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Funniest Moments of 2010

Here's a random grouping of funny things the kids said this last year.  I'd like to give a special Thanks to Facebook for being the unexpected source of documenting some of the funniest (who knew Facebook was useful for something besides cleverly stealing mindless minutes away from us)....and a special No Thanks to my iPhone for making it all too easy for my Blog Notes section to get deleted by a curious child.

Natalie:  Mom, I want a little sister.
Mom:  Well, sweetie, that's probably not going to happen.
Natalie:  Why, mom?  I really want one.
Mom:  Well, I think Mom and Dad have their hands full with the 3 of you.  I don't think we're going to have another baby.
Natalie:  (Indignantly) You don't KNOW that.  It's not your choice, it's God's!

Ty:  Mom, when are they going to make picture waffles again?
Mom:  (remembering all the fights about who was going to get which waffle, and thankful they don't make them anymore) I don't know, honey.  I keep checking, but they haven't had them in awhile.
Natalie:  That's so weird.  They made them when the boys were little, but now they don't.
Nate:  Maybe if you have another baby, they will make them again.

Nate:  Mom, when are they going to make picture waffles again?  (this comes up at least once a month)
Mom:  I don't know.  It's been at least a year since they've made them.
Nate:  Maybe when you get another baby.
Mom:  Well, maybe.  But what if I don't get another baby?
Nate:  I want you too.
Mom:  Well, do you think when Jesus gave us two of you at the same time, he thought we had a full family?
Nate:  (Not hearing a word I said) Maybe you can get one for Christmas.  Put it on your Christmas List!

One evening, I was playing with Natalie and she informed me she was a worrier.  When I asked her what kinds of things she worries about, she replied (very matter of factly) "Um, things like fire drills and fires.  Dad going to jail, you going to jail".

One evening Kevin and I got home from having dinner to find Natalie waiting up.  When I saw her getting ice cream, she looked up at me guiltily and asked if she could have some.  When I asked her if Dad said it was OK, she replied "Yeah, but I thought I should ask you too since you're the responsible one."

Beyonce, Carrie Underwood and Demi you go.  You're welcome.  We'd like 50% of the cut.
Nathan mixing his favorite songs together:  "Jesus Take the Wheel.  Oh yeah.  We can't back down.  Oh yeah.  Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh" (from Beyonce's 'If you like it then you better put a ring on it').

One day after listening to Carrie Underwood's Jesus Take the Wheel:
Nate:  Mommy, why did Jesus take the wheel?
After a full explanation of what the song means....
Nate:  Is Jesus Carrie Underwood's Dad?
Huh?  I went wrong somewhere in my explanation.

Another day after listening to Carrie Underwood's Jesus Take the Wheel:
Ty:  Is Jesus mean?
Mom:  No.  Why do you ask that?
Ty:  Then why did Jesus take the wheel?
Clearly, this song perplexes them. 

Mom:  Where are Sam and Puddles?  You haven't been playing with them much anymore.  (These are his two favorite stuffed animals).
Nate:  That's because when I wake them up, they so gwumpy and need more sleep.
Hmmm....where has he heard that before?

One night in bed, Natalie just started chattering about a little boy she knows.  I just sat there and listened, and it must have gone on for at least 10 minutes.  Unfortunately, it was one of the stories on my iPhone that didn't survive the wandering fingers of a curious 7 year old.  So, this isn't exact and not nearly as detailed as she was but it's the overall idea.  Oh, and she pretty much said all this without taking a breath.
"Mom, I really love Jack.  Do you think he loves me too?  I mean, he's REALLY funny.   He says the funniest things.  And Anna thinks there's a chance he likes me too.  Do you think there's a chance?  Oh, I REALLY hope we go to the same college someday.  But what if we don't?  Like Troy and Gabriella (from the movie High School Musical) went to different colleges.  Troy chose Gabriella over basketball.  I mean, he chose basketball too but only because he found a school close to Gabriella because he's so devoted to her."

So the rest of this post isn't really funny stories and may be completely boring to anyone who doesn't know Nathan and Tyler.  But one of my favorite things as a mom is the cute ways the kids say words before they learn the correct pronunciation.  Natalie is pretty much at the age that she says everything right....and frequently chooses to coach the boys on the right way to say things (she actually taught them the right way to say girl).  But the boys, at 4 1/2 still say quite a few things wrong.  And I love it.....because it means they're still babies, right?
First of all their names....
Tyler:  Tywer Austin Scharb
Nathan:  Naphan Tole (Cole) Scharb
Na-a-wee is now usually Nat-a-wee (Natalie)
Shayshawk (fall '09) became shayhawk this fall and now they say jayhawk
Pak Pak (backpack)
Gee-ul (soft g) (Girl)
Snook (skunk)
Titty Tat - or just Titty
Wittle (Little) - pretty much all L's are pronounced as W's
Supa (Super)...usually said in multiples - Supa Supa Supa fast

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Lovable 7's, I'm obviously not getting these blogs written in a timely manner.....BUT - I am getting them here we are.  Only a couple months late.

The morning of November 13th, I woke up to the pattering of running feet down the hallway.  Natalie ran into our room and said "Mom, look!  It's almost my birthday!"  I looked at the clock and it was 6:24 am.  She was born at 6:27.  So, she crawled into bed with me and we watched the clock together.  She was giddy with excitement as we waited for the momentous minute.  "Bye Bye 6!" she said in the final seconds of sixdom.  With a great big grin, she clapped when the clock finally turned 6:27 and said "I can't believe I'm 7!".  As her mom, that was an awesome moment, never imagined 7 years ago as my first and only baby girl was put in my arms for the first time.
The Lovable 7's.....that's the title to the Parent Center email I received on her birthday.  Hmmm....lovable?  Is that what this year will bring?  Oh, I would love that.  Don't get me wrong.  I love my daughter with all my heart and am so happy I get to be a Mom to a little girl.  But lovable is probably not the first word that comes to mind when describing my Nattie Bug.  Ornery, determined, observant, curious, innovative and bright.  Really, she has a lot of great qualities that will translate into great things as an adult.  But right now, as her mom, she can be challenging sometimes.  She questions everything, and wants things done her way (hmm...where does she get that from?).  I'm constantly reminding myself not to get into a battle of wills with her (although, I fail at that more often than I'd like).  But on the positive side, she is a little girl that loves to laugh and giggle.  She loves to plan parties and events (sometimes months in advance to great detail - she is currently working on her brothers surprise birthday party - in June).  She's curious and eager to learn how to do new things, like cooking (and yes, cleaning!).  She wants to learn how to sew so badly and how to play the piano (although, I'm not sure she realizes that both of those take time - you don't just take one lesson and whip out a symphony piece on the piano).
To celebrate the big day, Natalie invited her BFF and cousin, Lauren (and of course, the rest of the family - Aunt Boo Boo, Uncle K, and Baby Tsey - as the boys call him) to Build A Bear workshop and Dinner at TRex Cafe (which has become the favorite place of birthday celebrations for the girls these last few years).  The kids had a fun time making their latest special creation (because the 5 million stuffed animals we already have at home aren't quite enough....and each one is "their special one" when it comes time to clean out the playroom).  Tyler and Natalie honored the upcoming Christmas season by picking Frosty the Snowman and Clarice the reindeer.  Of course, all the appropriate accessories must come along with it....For Frosty - the corncob pipe, broom and scarf (none of which stay on or ever anywhere near Frosty himself), and for Clarice - the red Santa-ish dress (which also hasn't stayed on her, but has at least made it onto another stuffed animal and not on the floor).  Nathan went a different route, and picked an owl, which he cleverly named Rapunzel and picked out a perfectly pretty dress for.  I made a few attempts to talk him into a boy-ish outfit (only to make sure he didn't regret his choice later), but to no avail.  He stuck to his guns....and that is why I love my little Nater Gater.  He's the typical little boy who loves to wrestle with his brother and play with superheroes constantly.  But, he's also very in touch with his feminine side and loves playing with Princesses just as much.  (At Disney World, he was probably the most excited about our Dinner with the Princesses and sweetly asked them if he could take a picture alone with them.  The smile on his face in each of those pictures is beyond priceless.)  Lauren went appropriately girly with her pick of a Purple bear (also with a Santa-ish dress) and Baby Trey made his first ever brown teddy bear.
Next, the kids enjoyed the play area and a Carousel ride or two before heading to TRex for dinner.  On the ride over, the birthday girl started feeling under the weather.  But, she was determined to have her birthday dinner on her birthday so we kept our reservation.  Unfortunately, she layed down on the bench through the entire dinner and really didn't enjoy any of it.  But, later in the evening, we learned that apparently the best medicine is presents and cake.  She perked right up, when it was time to open presents.  Her big present was a new Nintendo DS accompanied with a Camp Rock game.  She's been wanting it for a year, so was very excited.  She was equally excited about her gift from Lauren - a shiny, silver Christmas tree to decorate her room, with all things pink to decorate it.  And next, the grand finale!  Time for the (sort of) cake.  The entire staff surrounded our table singing Happy Birthday as she shyly smiled, but loved every second of it.  Then, her eyes got wide as she saw the "cake"....An impressive erupting volcano of chocolate cake, ice cream, and whip cream.  It was so yummy looking that even my anti-sweets boys had to have a taste.  Besides her temporary bout with some unknown ailment, I think Natalie enjoyed her day to the fullest.
She celebrated a "Triplet" birthday party with her friends Maya and Evan a week later, along with all the first grade girls at the Indoor pool.  Whoa...was that crazy!  But they had a blast.  As I watched all those girls swimming, giggling and squealing I realized (for the millionth time as a parent) how quickly time flies.  7 years longer a baby, no longer a toddler or preschooler.  She's a kid now....and I know I'll blink my eyes and realize she's a teenager soon and want back those moments of her snuggling next to me at bedtime and calling me "Ma-Ma" (her mom name for me, when she's feeling very affectionate) and her lion cub kisses (a wet, sloppy lick that stems from her love of Lion King when she was a toddler).  Lovable?  Maybe more than I realize.  And I also realize that I need to open my eyes more and cherish all these moments of this thing called being 7.  Because, as she said the morning of her birthday "I'll never be 6 again!"

Nattie with her Camp Rock cupcakes to celebrate at school.

Could Nate be any more snuggled up to Cinderella?

Nattie with Clarice

The happy kids with their new stuffed creations.

Proud owner of a new DS.


The Silver Tree with Pink accessories

The calm, mild-mannered 1st grade girls

The Birthday Girls - Evan, Maya & Natalie

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fall Festivities

It's Halloween night.  It's 10 o'clock and Kevin and I are sitting on the couch after a fun filled Halloween.  I'll admit, enjoying some wine.  I look back at the blur of the last 6 weeks.  A lot of good, some not so good (I could have done without that 2 week migraine, and I'm sure Kevin could have done without the unexpected extra night in Atlanta coming home from Puerto Rico).  But, still, we are blessed with great kids and great family.  Fall is such a nice time of year.  I love the change of seasons and find it interesting how much I crave that change with each passing year.  Summer into Fall is one of my favorite times.  And I really think the kids enjoyed the change this year too.  It was a hot summer.  I love pulling out the sweatshirts, I love the fall colors and I LOVE fall decorations (almost as much as I love Christmas decorations).  But it always goes so fast, and this one was no different.  For us, the last 6 weeks have seen 2 field trips (both of which I accompanied), a 5k (ran/walked by me), 9 parties (too many of which I hosted), a trip to the Pumpkin Patch, 2 weekends of a garage sale, a trip to Wichita for my niece, Ainsley's Baptism, 3 football games, Kevin's birthday celebration, Trick or Treating, and a trip to Puerto Rico for Kevin.  Schwew!  I'm tired.
As I mentioned above, we enjoyed many parties last month.  Some friends from Natalie's grade hosted some great parties.  The Brown's had an afternoon party at their farm, complete with bouncy toys, hayrides and a small pumpkin patch.  They had a fire pit set up as well, and the kids enjoyed making their first real smores.  Nate & Ty didn't eat theirs, of course.  But they sure enjoyed toasting those marshmallows.
And the night before Halloween, the Schwada's hosted a family Costume party.  The kids really enjoyed dressing up with mom and dad to go to a party. Kevin and I were Waldo and Wenda.  We felt it was fitting considering the number of hours we've booked searching for Waldo and his friends this past year.  The kids loved our costumes.  The Schwada's did an incredible job with decorations, and really threw a big bash.  There was a photo booth that the kids loved (we came home with many strips of pics), more bouncy toys, a cotton candy maker, a balloon artist and more.  Wow....needless to say, the kids had a blast.
But by far the most important party of the month, was the Halloween party that Natalie and Lauren hosted.  The idea was hatched one summer day in July (yes, July).  And Natalie, my little event planner, spent a good week or two (in July) planning the party to the tee.  Lauren, who's not quite as interested in making lists and planning details happily went along with what Nattie proposed (thank goodness).  So, there was no getting out of it for Terri and I.  And the invite list?  The ENTIRE 1st grade (of 40 kids!).  We planned to have it outside, so we didn't want to exclude anyone.  The day finally arrived and Natalie and Lauren were ecstatic.  The weather cooperated (Thank God!) even though it was threatening rain just an hour before the party.  Terri & Kevin made a spectacular assortment of Halloween cupcakes, I made popcorn balls (sticky, sticky mess!  But oh so good), we bought decorated cookies and Shu Shu made a Fall chex mix.  And of course, we had the Witches brew.  Keg & Shu Shu volunteered (that sounds so much nicer than forced) to help with crowd control.  While everyone was pretty well behaved, it was hectic at times.  Especially, when everyone wanted to paint their pumpkins first!  Craig was given the nice and tidy job of letting the kids search for eyeballs (grapes mixed into a bowl of spaghetti noodles).  Ewwww....the noodles were sticky and yucky - but the kids loved it.  They wouldn't leave him alone.  We had face painting and pumpkin weighing contests as well.  But, the saving grace of the party was the play set.  I'm pretty sure it was taxed beyond it's limits that day, but it held up.  When the kids were all done with the sweets and food, and were bored with the games they all migrated there.  And had a ball.  Eventually, the 2 hours was up and the parents picked up their kids.  We all took a deep breath and had a beer.  The girls loved it, and we had so many parents tell us how much fun their kids had.  It was a lot of work, but it was worth it.  I only wish Kevin could have gotten off work to join us.
In the midst of this crazy month was Kevin's birthday....#46!  So, we had the family (Boo Boo, K, LoLo, Baby Tsey, Shu Shu & Keggie) over on his birthday.  I made enchiladas and Natalie and I made a cake.  The kids got a kick out of putting all 46 candles on his cake and watching them be lit.  Of course, Kev had a lot of help blowing out the candles.
Finally, Halloween night arrived after a long month of festivities.  Natalie, along with Lauren were Brides this year and they looked perfectly beautiful.  Nathan chose to be a Green Power Ranger and Tyler was a Clone Trooper from Star Wars.  This is the first year they weren't coordinating.  They seemed to notice they were picking their costumes, they each tried to talk the other into their idea.  But each of them stuck to their guns.  That was a little bit sad for me because as they get older, I know my habit of coordinating their outfits is going to be rejected someday soon.  We continued with our usual Halloween tradition of everyone coming over to our house for dinner - straying from our usual Chili dinner and made Soup and Bread instead.  This year was really a milestone - I'm not sure why.  But the boys were more into Trick or Treating than ever and the girls had no interest in riding in the Red wagon like they always have in years past.  Even the boys rejected riding in the stroller until late in the night.  So, we headed out at dusk for the annual Candy begging.  Natalie and Lauren leading the pack and Nate & Ty close behind - with their usual entourage following (Me, Kev, Terri, Kevin, Trey, Julz & Craig). Our normal slow pace of going house to house, loading the girls in and out of the red wagon and the boys in and out of the stroller was long gone.  The kids dashed from house to house ringing the doorbell.  At one point, Nate excitedly came running out of one driveway into the cul de sac jumping up and down with his arms straight up in the air yelling "I wuv Hawoween!  I wuv Hawoween!) over and over.  It was so cute!  Then, at another house Ty was running towards the door yelling "I wunning supa fast"!  We made such quick time this year, we actually made it up the hill and hit a few houses up on the main street this year!  It was a special night.  And a fun (if not exhausting) month.

At the Pumpkin Patch
Ainsley at her Baptism

All 46 candles lit....Turn off the smoke detectors!

The Hostesses, Natalie and Lauren at their Halloween party

Group Shot of the Halloween party
Our Jack O' Lanterns

Wenda & Waldo

The kids in their costumes
Checking out their loot

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Puppy Love

As a mom of 3 I knew I'd have to face the day when the kids started showing interest in the opposite sex.  I always assumed it would be Natalie first since she was the one who seemed so susceptible to a charming (usually ornery) boy who made her laugh. How she loves a good laugh.  But her affection seemed more directed towards the orneriness and laughter than the boys themselves.  Nate gave us our first sign -  this summer during our trip to the lake.  We docked at a restaurant with a beach so the kids could swim and play for awhile.  All of the kids, donned in life vests, were unusually entertaining themselves.  So, the adults decided to enjoy a cocktail on the beach and relax for a bit.  As I'm scanning the swim area for each of the kids, I noticed Nate approach a group of young twentysomething girls.  I couldn't hear the conversation, but quickly he seemed to think impressing them with his rock finding skills was the way to go.  Diligently, I think he found what must have been every rock in this part of the lake.  He then sweetly presented his treasures to each of the girls as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.  To him it was.  The girls seemed to be enjoying him, but I still made a few attempts to lure him away, not wanting him to be a bother.  This only seemed to draw his brother's attention to the situation.  Up to this point, Ty had been practicing his duck head bobbing skills, but now wandered over to see what he was missing.  I'm not sure, but I think I saw my first glimpse of a little wing man action (God help us all).
Nate also has a newfound love for Selena Gomez (actress from the Disney channel). He cut her picture out of a magazine the other day.  I didn't think much of it, since we are constantly cutting up magazines.  But he took that picture with him everywhere that day, showing everyone that would look.  
And the bug finally bit the daycare at my gym.  One day, when I was picking them up, I saw Tyler sitting against the wall with a cute, blonde haired girl reading to him.  He was so proud to announce to me when we were leaving that he made a new friend.  With a twinkle in his eye, he said "Her name is War-ren (Lauren).  Hers six".  Now, every time we go to the gym he wonders if Lauren's going to be there.  And I get the attendance report every time I pick them up.
As much as I'm not ready for this stage of crushes, I can't imagine what it will be like when the real thing starts happening.  Dates, proms, boyfriends and girlfriends, broken hearts.  And all the adult issues we'll have to prepare them for way too early, thanks to society.  I think for now, I'll just sit back and enjoy watching the sweet puppy love stage.  

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What a difference a year makes...

Last week was a momentous week for us.  Nate & Ty started their 2nd year of Preschool and their first year at Corpus Christi.  Natalie started 1st grade.  While the routine of a new school year is welcomed, I'm amazed at how quickly the summer went.  It was our first summer "Off" as a family (well, that is, except dad, who is still hard at work taking care of us).  Last summer, I was still a working mom. And the kids were still in Daycare 5 days a week.  So, we went straight from the routine of work/daycare to the routine of school.
This summer, I wish I could say we all slept in every day but these kids aren't sleepers.  Every day seemed to be a race to wake up earlier and earlier to make sure they saw Dad before he left.  Our days were filled with coloring, watching TV, Tennis, TBall, and swim lessons. The kids spent 2 separate weeks at 1/2 day Gymnastics Camp (translation - a break for mom) and we spent many, many afternoons at the pool.  We thoroughly enjoyed the lack of structure (even though it provided so many more opportunities for bickering and fighting).
So, the new school year brings many mixed emotions.  Reluctance, readiness and nervousness for what the new year brings (who knows how many fire alarms there will be in 1st grade this year - more on that later).  I must say, Nate & Ty transitioned wonderfully from St. John's to Corpus.  They were very excited to be at their sister's school - I think it made them feel big.  So, on Monday morning, we all headed to school.  I'd like to say backpacks were in tow - but they weren't.  I guess we weren't quite in our routine yet.  Most importantly, we did remember the camera!  We arrived with the other excited 4 year olds, welcomed by smiling teachers.  We snapped a few pics, and headed inside where the Preschoolers were lining up.  Hesitantly, the boys allowed themselves to be led to the line.  Nate, who is always the more reluctant one to let us leave, ran back over to us.  But we led him back to the line.  My heart tugged just a little as I saw the unsure looks on their face.  With big eyes, they bravely walked with the rest of their new friends into the classroom.  3 hours later, I picked them up smiling and full of confidence, happily telling me about the things they did and who they saw that day.  
There was much excitement around Natalie's first day too.  She is such a planner, and likes to make lists.  So, she dutifully laid out her clothes on the floor the night before (accessories and all).  She made a list of everything she was going to do the next morning to get ready for school, not forgetting anything (even going up or down the stairs).  And let me tell you, she followed that list to the tee.  But if there was a cloud over her excitement, it was the fire drills.  She was excited about starting the 1st grade (after all, she'd been talking about almost being a 1st grader since the day after Christmas) except for the anxiousness of when that first fire drill might come.  If only they could have the drills without those loud alarms!  After many conversations, I still have no idea how to help her overcome this.
First day activities for Natalie proceeded in similar manner to Nate & Ty's.  Pictures, smiles, hugs.  No tears for me this year.
The next day, as we started to settle into a routine, I asked Natalie if she wanted me to walk her up to the school or drop her in the car line.  The same question I asked a year ago.  And I received the same answer.  Drop her off.  This time with much different results.  Last year, I pulled in front of the school and she slowly got out of the car.  She took a few steps, stopped and looked around completely unsure of what to do.  As I drove away, I looked in my rearview mirror and saw her start to cry.  I quickly parked the car, jumped out (leaving the boys's safe, it's a Catholic school, right?) and led Natalie to her teacher.  A quick hug and kiss later and all was fine.  This year, we pulled up and Natalie had already unbuckled yelling "Hurry, mom!  There's Lauren!"  As soon as I stopped, she confidently bolted out that door quicker than I could yell "Bye!  Have a good Day!".  And she was off with her friends, laughing and giggling.  Wow.....What a difference a year makes.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Tooth Fairy visits....Finally!

Natalie, at 6.5 years old has been very impatient to enter that Big Kid status of losing a tooth.  Other kids in her Kindergarten class have lost a tooth, so "Why haven't I?" she asked continually at the start of the summer.  One evening, shortly after arriving at her Tball game in late June she comes running out of the dugout.  "Mom!  Wiggle my tooth.  Is it loose?"  Fully expecting to give the same ruling I'd given the previous 50 times she'd asked that question, I reached in and sure enough, wiggled a loose tooth.  Her beaming smile was priceless.  So, for the rest of the game, she had completely lost interest in anything but that wiggly tooth.  Which really isn't that unusual.  It usually only takes a pile of dirt in the outfield for her to become completely oblivious to the game around her, including that ball that whizzed right by her completely unnoticed.
Much to her disappointment (and efforts), about a month and a half went by and still that wiggly tooth was hanging on (with a second tooth joining the ranks as 'loose').  Reading book after book about characters with loose teeth was not helping, either.  And finally!  One Friday at the end of summer, Natalie comes barreling up the stairs into my bathroom to announce (with a smiling, and very bloody mouth) that she lost her first tooth!  She's so excited, she's not freaked out by the blood (thank goodness).  So, we clean the mouth, clean the tooth and gently place it in the tooth box, which has been patiently waiting on Natalie's nightstand all summer.  That night, around 2 am, I was woken up by Natalie excitedly telling me that the Tooth Fairy had come.  "She brought me some gold quarters (dollars) and she sprinkled some fairy dust all over!  Come see!"  I couldn't resist her excitement, but I'm sure I was mumbling loud enough for my husband to hear as I dragged myself out of bed wishing she had discovered the Tooth Fairy the next morning.  He didn't hear.....or so he pretended.
And the next day, at a sleepover with her friend (who also lost a tooth that night) the second one came out.
So, the weekend before she started the 1st grade, Natalie lost her first 2 teeth....officially becoming a Big Kid.